Happy 1st Birthday to us!

May the 4th will only ever mean one thing to us and that's us celebrating our first year’s birthday. 

ahhhhh, cake…

We have to tell you that we feel privileged and trusted by the 700+ of you who have been walking this journey with us to keep pushing on with our work and thank you all for your continued feedback.

      Public Health South Tees leading the networks development, for me, demonstrates the opportunity, perhaps uniquely, of the central role we have in connecting and joining up work cross sector, and cross topic for better wellbeing through all of our work, collectively. We are one and will keep working towards that value, together.

I believe that this role means we get to see, hear, share and support stacks of great work happening in connected wellbeing systems; if any of you have those days where you feel like no progress is being made or feel particularly weighed down by all the challenges you face, know you are part of a movement that is pulling in the right direction together to help others, to help themselves. It is everywhere, positivity is rife and its spreading. Reach out.

Thank you goes once again to those aligned to our shared efforts to better connect and help explore wellbeing delivery across South Tees and thank you to all of you for all your incredibly hard work in all you do and have shared with us.

We get a strong sense of many more person-centred, better-connected working happening like never before. We ask you all to keep responding so positively to the calls to and from each other, keep ‘getting around the table’ with other members and explore ways of working together, sharing resources, collaborating, and exploring the work in an honest and values led way. Keep choosing to do this and keep sharing your positivity, it’s contagious, like, really contagious, think about the fact that acts of kindness multiply by 5!


**We ask for one gift for our birthday. We simply invite you to make a small pledge and commit to one action, starting today, however small, to start one new positive habit to help your wellbeing. That would be the best gift ever for our networks efforts. We hope our members can help us celebrate and benefit from this birthday wish personally.**

 Looking over the year to better understand the future

We have committed to a simplified visual summary report currently being compiled which we will share on our website and through our June newsletter soon, and will look forward to continued members responses, ideas and inspirations from what we share.

Some Highlights from year one.

May 31st 2022 - For the first time, 318 members received a fully personalised e-mail newsletter with content filtered and presented based on their choices. Sounds simple, but throughout this last year, we have had a 5 x higher than industry average read rate, click rate, and bounce rate. In simple terms, its very likely our members receive less of what they don’t want and more of what they do, motivating them to make use of our information and support our calls.

ü An ever expanding website and wellbeing network activities offering;

§  Key service directories to aid asset mapping, signposting, and getting your own services known.

§  Lists of wellbeing collaboration partnerships on a range of wellbeing topics

§  Links to free face to face and e-learning for mental health and wellbeing

§  Events organised with and for our members to explore and take action on key issues like cost of living, and learn how to use the GREAT DREAM wellbeing model  from Action for Happiness.

§  ‘Wellbeing in practice’ with free activity and wellbeing programmes to empower our members to lead on their own wellbeing and use those values and practices in their own work.

§  A members and network blog, with local expertise, lived experience and services sharing their wealth of knowledge

§  Network led men’s health champion training, campaign briefings and opportunities to quickly find advocates to share in your own objectives

§  Members sign up- giving the opportunity to join us free of charge via your own choices for how you want to connect to each other. Supporting you and your work for your chosen topics, south tees areas you work in, and age groups you work with.

We look forward to sharing the year summary in full, and invite you to take sign up today to become a member, encouraging others to as well.

Be Kind [er]

Richie Andrew, Public Health South Tees

South Tees Wellbeing Network


Great resources on our doorstep: A Passport to health and wellbeing for you and/or those you support?


I keep hearing “system change” everywhere, what is it really, and how are we going to ‘DO’ it?